Once you have booked your treatment you will be forwarded to a pre treatment form to complete.
If you haven't seen it you can complete it HERE
In this form we require some basic medical history and an outline of your current injury if you have one or areas of pain / tension that you would like us to work on.
Completing this before the session allows us more time to work hands on and not completing paperwork.
What should I wear?
Towels are used to cover you during the massage and will be moved to allow access to the body part being treated.
Generally, clients will wear their underwear. However for most treatments a pair of loose fitting shorts will allow treatment .
The most important thing is that you feel comfortable and relaxed.
If you are having a back/shoulder treatment you may need to unhook your bra, large sports bras are often difficult to work around.
As we have a male therapist you are welcome to bring a chaperone to your session.
Is it painful?
Sports massage can sometimes cause some discomfort as tight or injured muscles are treated. For massage to be effective you need to be relaxed and comfortable, so I will talk to you throughout your treatment so you remain in control of the pressure, never be afraid to tell me if its too much.
You may feel some post-massage soreness in the muscles treated which is a good indicator that the body is responding well to the treatment and is healing well. I provide a treatment aftercare leaflet with what to expect.
What does an appointment involve?
At the first appointment the medical and injury issues you provided in your form will be discussed. A treatment plan will then be agreed with you.
A postural assessment may be carried out and depending on your requirements I may carry out passive, active, and resisted muscle tests to identify where muscle tightness, weakness or imbalances exist.
After the treatment, I may suggest exercises and stretches to aid the rehabilitation of injuries. Every person is different so this is bespoke.
What is soft tissue therapy?
Soft Tissue Therapists treat clients who have musculoskeletal injury, pain or dysfunction caused by any of life's stresses and from all walks of life. Although sport can be a common factor with many of our clients symptoms, this is far from being the main issue we deal with.
Soft Tissue Therapy really is more than 'just' a sports massage and integrates three essential clinical elements:
Applying a range of assessment methods to determine whether Soft Tissue Therapy is appropriate and devise a suitable treatment plan for the individual client.
Applying a range of soft tissue techniques (including massage) to aid recovery from injury and improve soft tissue condition and joint mobility.
Offering advice on a range of remedial exercises and lifestyle factors aimed at speeding up recovery, preventing injury recurrence as well as improving posture, performance and function.

Leeds City AC Club